Burbank Physical Therapy & Wellness accepts all private insurances, Workers' Comp claims, MedPay (Auto) and Self-payments.
Private Insurance
As a courtesy to our patients, we will contact your insurance company to verify your benefits prior to making your first appointment. Should there be a discrepancy on benefit details reported, we encourage patients to also contact their carrier to be aware of their covered and non-covered rehab benefits. Here is a partial list of insurances we accept:
- Blue Shield
- Blue Shield/Blue Cross
- Motion Picture & Welfare Fund
- Blue Cross PPO
- Cigna
- Aetna
- United Healthcare/Pacificare
- HealthNet
- City of Burbank - Worker's Comp claims
- MedPay (Auto accidents: Allstate, Farmers, AAA,State Farm, etc.)
Patient's responsibilities include:
- Current medical prescription for PT
- Payments of Deductible
- Co-insurance or co-payments per visit
Payment Options
We accept Visa, Mastercards, cash and personal checks. A Patient Payment PlanTM (PPP), auto check draft is also available upon request.
If you are not using insurance: First visit - $150.00 for the initial consultation, evaluation, assessment and treatment by a licensed physical therapist. Charges for each visit thereafter will be billed based on the amount and type of service rendered. Payment is due at the time service is provided.